Damn! Acronis Snap Restore
我承认是我掉以轻心了,没有过多的研究就直接按默认的选项进行了recovery,在proceed以后收到了警告,但是我以为这个所谓的warning只是说c 分区里有未备份的数据会被erase掉,压根没想到它会擦除掉整个磁盘,而且除系统盘以外的空间全部变成unallocated。
Acronis的官方网站是这样描述snap restore的
When recovering your system hard disk from Acronis Secure Zone, you can start working in seconds while your system is still being restored! Using the new proprietary Acronis Snap Restore algorithm, Acronis True Image will find sectors, allowing the operating system to boot, and restore them in seconds. After the system boots up, you can start any application or open any file. Acronis True Image will feel what files you need and restore them immediately — you would never guess that they have been restored but not read directly from the hard disk. At the same time, the complete sector-by-sector disk restoration will proceed in the background. Finally, the disk will be fully restored even if you perform no actions at all. But if you choose to start working as soon as possible after a system failure, you will gain at least several minutes. The more the disk size is, the more time you save. In addition, you do not have to set any options, using Acronis Snap Restore — in fact, it performs the so-called one-click restoration.
这样的功能用来做默认选项,然后还心安理得的广告这个fantastic feature,简直让人愤怒,难道不应该把traditional的restore type作为默认选项,把这样哗众取宠,貌似神奇的选项作为unrocommended吗?
本来还对data尚未丢失心存一丝幻想,在读了http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=103113以后算是彻底绝望了。我在HK的几个月的数据被擦成了空白,我得到了一台全新的空白的笔记本,机器上只留下了acronis secure zone.
1. 要常备份硬盘数据,重要的东西要刻盘.
2. 不要轻易尝试自己不熟悉的软件
Acronis Snap Restore是用来为全新的裸机做系统的
Acronis True Image的restore是单个分区或者多个分区的恢复的
1) 使用前注意看手册,不要凭借想当然
2) 异地备份很重要,刻盘,或者其他网络共享存储设备
Acronis Snap Restore装出来的系统很多功能是不可用的!