

crazy coder


The Devil’s Guide to Google

Here’s how to become a totally evil, worm-like creature with Google’s array of services in under a month:
1. Start a spam blog with Use Google News to send automated email alerts on any conceivable high-paying topic to your Blogger’s blog-by-mail address.
2. Copy Wikipedia’s content, which is free to share, and create a website with AdSense ads that look exactly like content. Wait a week or two for Google to index your site and send innocent searchers toward you.
3. Create a module for the Google Personalized Homepage that does nothing more but advertise your website.
4. Pay a 12-men army of Russian click-workers to click on your AdSense. Tell them how to switch proxies so they won’t show the same IP to Google. Cash in the check.
5. Spam every blog on Google’s BlogSpot. Pay a couple of thousand upfront for some poor developer to crack the captcha Google uses.
6. Create a huge database of affiliate products (stuff you don’t own, but get paid for in commissions), and automatically create a multitude of variants for each product title, including spelling errors. Then, submit this massive spamfest to Google Base and find new income streams in a week.
7. Become a copyright lawyer, search Google Images for copyright violations committed by teenagers, and threaten their parents to pay you hard cash or be sued.
8. Pay for advertisement on any major location on Google Maps, and make your ad read “Frank sucks.” (Replace “Frank” with someone you hate.)
9. Tell the Chinese gov’t that website (replace “xyz” with your competitor’s website) is doing some “really nasty human rights stuff.” Watch see the site be censored on in approximately two weeks.
10. Buy 2 million cheap domains, heavily interlink them, and wait until they go up in Google’s ranking. Start using them to sell Viagra.

1. 在blogger.com上创建一个垃圾blog.利用GOOGLE NEWS提供的自动推送热门新闻服务,将每日的最热点话题发往你的blog.

2. 复制WIKIPEDIA的内容,因为它是免费共享的.利用此内容创建一个网站,并将GOOGLE ADS装扮成内容的样子,嵌入进你的网站中.等待一到两个星期吧,GOOGLE会索引你的页面,并将无辜的搜索者引向你的页面.

3. 为GOOGLE个人页面服务创建一个插件,而此插件的唯一目的就是用来宣传你的网站.

4. 雇用12个俄国点击工来点击你的广告.教他们学会切换代理服务器,以此让GOOGLE不会发现他们在使用同一IP地址.钱就这样来了.

5. 在GOOGLE的BLOGSPOT上到处留言.雇用一些贫困的程序员去破解GOOGLE的防机器人自动留言程序.

6. 创建一个包含各种产品的大型数据库(并不是你拥有的,但点击会得到报酬),再自动为每个产品生成大量的不同名字,即使拼写错误也行.然后,将这些发布到GOOGLE BASE去,一周内,你会发现新的收入来了.

7. 成为一个版权律师,在GOOGLE IMAGES里搜索由未成年人提供的违反版权保护的图片,然后去威胁他们的父母向你付款.

8. 在GOOGLE MAPS上任何一个热点位置购买广告位,然后将你的广告写成这样:小张,我XXX(将小张换成你恨的某人).

9. 告诉中国GOV,XYZ.COM(将XYZ换成你竞争对手的网站)上有关于人RIGHT的内容.一两周后你就会发现XYZ.COM在GOOGLE.CN上被屏蔽了.

10. 购买200万个便宜的域名,互相连接他们.等待他们在GOOGLE RANKING里升高后,就开始在上面出售伟哥吧.


