1. Java Server Faces - JSF
from: Sun Microsystems
Based on Component Centric approach
Best Feature : The most using web framework. Because of its component architecture, the developer doesn’t need to mess with writing HTML, JavaScript etc to get rich “AJAX” type of functionality. It also takes care of state and event management. It has very less configuration too.
2. GWT
from: google
Based on Widgets
Best Feature : Speed development. Easy to develop good, neat and “Browser independent” Ajax applications. Give more stress to pure browser independent ;).
3. Stripes
from: mc4j
Based on MVC architecture
Best Feature: No Configurations. Annotation based programming makes coding more interesting and easy.
4. Spring MVC
from: spring source
Based on MVC architecture
Best Feature : Speed development. Now so many Annotations are also included (v2.5). Its from SpringSource and have a good support too. Being a person who likes and works with Spring framework.. I really encouraged by their good and really fast support.
5. Struts2
from: apache
Based on MVC architecture
Best Feature : No more ActionForms! Use any JavaBean to capture form input or put properties directly on an Action class. Use both binary and String properties! and its enhanced and rich tags
6. Wicket
from: apache
Based on Component Centric approach
Best Feature : Swing-like OO Component Model. This feature separates Wicket from all other frameworks