Three20 project templates
If you're planning to make a new project using Three20 then you can save some time by using custom Three20 project templates. They're easy t oinstall.
First, you'll want to get the Three20 source.
Once you have the source, open Terminal to the templates/ directory and simply type:
bash InstallTemplates.Command
To create a new project using Three20, start Xcode and open the "New Project" dialog. You should now see a "User Projects" directory with the Three20 projects listed. The latest set of project templates includes a project for creating a basic application and a project for creating a basic application with a core data backend.
When you create your project, you should create it within the same parent directory that you create Three20 in.
For example, say you create a project titled "YourNewProject". Your projects directory should look like this:
This is because the Three20 template projects assume that Three20 is located at ../three20.
You can, of course, change this if you don't want to/can't follow this structure.