




Homo-slang for homosexual.
On Saturday, during the dinner, I was told one familiar friend is a gay, and he even often changes his friends. Thank god, I didn't choke to death when hearing that. I just cannot imagine he is so different with me.
But lesbian is OK for me. Sth like none of my business maybe.
And just a joke, on last Friday's dinner, I said we finally found a couple of "Brokeback" in our college's class. But very strange, i didn't find one homo in BITI for 4 year's study among so many boys in our school. Maybe just because I am too careless. Today after lunch, I talked to toto, and she told me in Grade 02, when talking about the view on marriage in one class, one boy bravely declared that he is a gay. And one roommate of her declared she is a lesbian after she moved abroad.
Yang mentioned one wedding between her classmates and his boyfriend at lunch.
And I searched in Baidu, generally speaking, among 100 people, there is at least one homo.
