



I'd like to teach my child this way under the name of CHINA

7. Our Presidents

As Presidents' Day approaches, ask your child to imagine that she has become President -- the leader of our country. What would she do? Give all kids free ice cream? Make sure the world is a peaceful place? Talk about what some of our most important presidents have done; for instance, Abraham Lincoln, our sixteenth President, fought to end slavery in this country and to keep all of the states together, instead of letting them split into two countries.

Explain that being President isn't the same as being a king, who rules for life. Every four years, we get to pick a new leader by voting. But in some other countries, people aren't allowed to choose who governs them, and their rulers don't leave office unless they're forced out.

For older kids, note that in America, "we, the people" are in charge. This kind of government is called a democracy. To illustrate this, involve your child in making some family decisions. "When kids have a chance to practice democracy, they value it," says Susan Adler, Ph.D., an associate professor of education at the University of Missouri, in Kansas City.
8. Our Rights

Our country is special because it guarantees us specific rights -- these are our freedoms. To bring this idea to life, show how you use your rights every week when you pray (or not), read the paper, and say what you think. Ask your child which rights would be most important to him.

It may be the right to eat pizza for breakfast or to ride his scooter in the park. "This helps you see what your child values, and it opens up other conversations," Dr. Berson says.

Ask older kids whether they think people in other countries have the same rights that we do. Explain that in some countries, people can't practice their religion or even complain openly about their leaders. Our freedoms are defined in the U.S. Constitution and its amendments, especially the first ten, called the Bill of Rights.
9. Our Responsibilities

Talk to your child about how our country is like a family: Everyone needs to pitch in. As a member of our country -- a citizen -- we go to school, vote, obey the law, and pay taxes. When your child sees you pick up litter off the ground, point out that being a good citizen means more than just following the law.

It means doing what you can to help others and to keep your community clean and safe.You can also set an example through community service. Find something that is important to your child, such as helping out at his school or cleaning up a playground, and do it together as a family. "Even if you volunteer only two or three times a year, you'll send your child a very positive message about how citizens pitch in," Robertson says.

------From "10 Ways to Teach Kids to Love America"