



Exiting-十年寒窗无人问 一举成名天下知

Maggie McKee
14 May 2013

It’s a result only a mathematician could love. Researchers hoping to get ‘2’ as the answer for a long-sought proof involving pairs of prime numbers are celebrating the fact that a mathematician has wrestled the value down from infinity to 70 million.

“That’s only [a factor of] 35 million away” from the target, quips Dan Goldston, an analytic number theorist at San Jose State University in California who was not involved in the work. “Every step down is a step towards the ultimate answer.”

That goal is the proof to a conjecture concerning prime numbers. Those are the whole numbers that are divisible only by one and themselves. Primes abound among smaller numbers, but they become less and less frequent as one goes towards larger numbers. In fact, the gap between each prime and the next becomes larger and larger — on average. But exceptions exist: the ‘twin primes’, which are pairs of prime numbers that differ in value by 2. Examples of known twin primes are 3 and 5, or 17 and 19, or 2,003,663,613 × 2195,000 − 1 and 2,003,663,613 × 2195,000 + 1.

The twin prime conjecture says that there is an infinite number of such twin pairs. Some attribute the conjecture to the Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria, which would make it one of the oldest open problems in mathematics.

The problem has eluded all attempts to find a solution so far. A major milestone was reached in 2005 when Goldston and two colleagues showed that there is an infinite number of prime pairs that differ by no more than 16 (ref. 1). But there was a catch. “They were assuming a conjecture that no one knows how to prove,” says Dorian Goldfeld, a number theorist at Columbia University in New York.

The new result, from Yitang Zhang of the University of New Hampshire in Durham, finds that there are infinitely many pairs of primes that are less than 70 million units apart without relying on unproven conjectures. Although 70 million seems like a very large number, the existence of any finite bound, no matter how large, means that that the gaps between consecutive numbers don’t keep growing forever. The jump from 2 to 70 million is nothing compared with the jump from 70 million to infinity. “If this is right, I’m absolutely astounded,” says Goldfeld.

Zhang presented his research on 13 May to an audience of a few dozen at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the fact that the work seems to use standard mathematical techniques led some to question whether Zhang could really have succeeded where others failed.

But a referee report from the Annals of Mathematics, to which Zhang submitted his paper, suggests he has. “The main results are of the first rank,” states the report, a copy of which Zhang provided to Nature. “The author has succeeded to prove a landmark theorem in the distribution of prime numbers. … We are very happy to strongly recommend acceptance of the paper for publication in the Annals.”

Goldston, who was sent a copy of the paper, says that he and the other researchers who have seen it “are feeling pretty good” about it. “Nothing is obviously wrong,” he says.

For his part, Zhang, who has been working on the paper since a key insight came to him during a visit to a friend’s house last July, says he expects that the paper’s mathematical machinery will allow for the value of 70 million to be pushed downwards. “We may reduce it,” he says.

Goldston does not think the value can be reduced all the way to 2 to prove the twin prime conjecture. But he says the very fact that there is a number at all is a huge breakthrough. “I was doubtful I would ever live to see this result,” he says.

Zhang will resubmit the paper, with a few minor tweaks, this week.
《名星》記者 陳小平

2013年6月8日,受哥倫比亞大學邀請前來紐約 講學的華人數學家、新罕布什爾大學講師張益唐,在法拉盛湘水山莊與新朋老友聚會,約50餘人擠滿了二樓餐廳,慶祝這位數學家取得偉大的數學成就。慶祝會之 後,張益唐在距離湘水山莊不遠的玫瑰茶室接受了《名星》記者陳小平的專訪,一同參加談話的還有張益唐的北大好友、哲學家胡平。在採訪中,張益唐對記者談到 了他的數學研究歷程、未來研究計劃、與妻子的軼事、中國父母情況、個人愛好以及回國打算等。


張: 好呀,這樣倒輕鬆。
張: 雅克比猜想這個問題我已經很長時間不做了,我發現我的興趣還是在數論,所以我又回到那兒。在數學研究中,我經常是同時在想好幾個問題。其實,我對孿生素數 的研究早就有了很好的部分結果了,可能是我這人野心太大還是怎麼樣呢,要是沒有做完,我就不想發表。現在,我手裡還留著好幾個東西呢。
張:事實上,我手上拽了幾個東西,那怕就是部分結果拿出來,其成果也會非常好。我這人就是這種個性——追求完美。用英文說,Partial result,如果拿出來,也是很好的論文,可我就不甘心,為什麼我不能把它完全做完?完全做完之後拿出來的東西就是大東西了。
張: 有些想法是我從北大的時候就開始有了。我讀碩士是搞數論,丁石孫教授當時是北大數學系主任,他要我改行去學代數幾何,他說代數幾何很重要。這些故事,網上 都已經捅出來了。本來是丘成桐幫忙,當時丘成桐還在加州大學聖迭戈分校任教(1984年至1987年),約在1984年左右,丘成桐給我推薦了聖迭戈分校 解析數論學家Harold Stark,結果被丁石孫給否了。5月13日我去哈佛介紹孿生素數研究成果時,丘成桐告訴我這裡面的故事。再後來,我就跟了代數幾何方面的高手莫宗堅,他 當時想找個中國學生幫他做。

這 個孿生素數問題,實際我想了不止三年,斷斷續續想了很多年,就是因為看了前面三個分別來自美國、匈牙利和土耳其數學家已有的研究結果,可能這個領域的所有 專家都在想這個問題,他們的研究已到了有很好成果這樣的階段了。在他們思考的基礎上,能不能……誰都知道,是在關鍵問題跨越那根頭髮絲。我能做出來,是我 比他們堅持的時間長。他們也想了很久,最後實在做不下去,就放棄了。我有一種直覺,你要我去論證這種直覺我沒法論證,但這種直覺告訴我,我應該可以做出 來。
在這個過程中,我嘗試了很多種辦法,可能不是一根頭髮絲的距離,而是半根、1/4或1/8根頭髮絲的距離,可就 是邁不過去。然後,這麼積累,就到了去年夏天的那個看梅花鹿的故事那個瞬間——我的好友,指揮家齊光的後院裡經常有梅花鹿來做客,那天,我是想去看看有沒 有梅花鹿,其實那次我沒看到,但在那一瞬間,我突然想出來了,其實就是這麼一回事。(《名星》第3期)