

见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内省也。 不读足够多的书没有发言权



If a safe and steady IM can be devoloped , it may take up a large part of the final usagers market . It should be a good opportunity !

Instant messaging is something most people associate with teen-agers. Typically involving six or seven windows open across a computer screen and the constant “ping” of messages from people with names such as “Rapboy7”, IM has until recently been a phenomenon mainly used by the same demographic group that endlessly texts each other and downloads ringtones.

Presence, he adds, is a key advantage of IM; it also reduces the need for telephone calls and e-mails.
Consumer systems are not secure and do not have the features that compliance demands, especially in the finance industry.IM infections have proliferated and, unlike those carried by e-mail, they spread in real time.
Second, with public IM people choose their own screen name. I could be rhymer@xyzcorp years after I left Xyzcorp or I could pose as a member of Xyzcorp without any connection to the company.
Third, public IM systems do not record conversations – and in sectors such as finance a means of recording messages may be required by regulation.
There are other problems, too. For instance, at the moment consumer systems divide into AIM, MSN, Yahoo and others. These systems do not readily operate with each other although, particularly with business-use IM, there are ways of making them talk.
