- More Effective C++ 25: Virtualize constructors and non-member functions
- More Effective C++ 24: Understand the costs of virtual functions, multiple inheritance...
- More Effective C++ 23: Consider alternative libraries
- More Effective C++ 22: Consider using op= instead of stand-alone op
- You Raise Me Up
- More Effective C++ 21: Overload to avoid implicit type conversions
- More Effective C++ 20: Facilitate the return value optimization
- More Effecitve C++ 19: Understand origin of temporary objects
- More Effecitve C++ 18: Amortize the cost of expected computation
- More Effective C++ 17: Consider using lazy evaluation
- 又见下沙
- More Effective C++ 16: Remember the 80-20 rule
- More Effective C++ 15: Understand the costs of exception handling
- More Effective C++ 14: Use exception specifications judiciously
- More Effective C++ 13: Catch exceptions by reference
- More Effective C++ 12: Understand how throwing an exception differs from passing a parameter or ...
- More Effective C++ 11: Prevent exceptions from leaving destructors
- Effective C++ 10: Prevent resource leaks in constructors
- 去桃源仙谷玩,累死了
- More Effective C++ 9: Use destructors to prevent resource leaks
- More Effective C++ 8: Understand different meanings of new and delete
- More Effective C++ 7: Never overload && || or ,
- 《Corpse Bride》婚礼誓词
- More Effecitve C++ 6: Distinguish between postfix and prefix forms of increment and decrement
- More Effective C++ 5: Be wary of user-defined conversion funcitons
- More Effective C++ 4: Avoid gratuitous default constructors
- More Effective C++ 3: Never treat arrays polymorphically
- More Effective C++ 2: Prefer C++-style casts
- More Effective C++ 1: Distinguish between pointers and references
- 优化大矩阵运算速度
- Effecitve C++ 50: Improve your understanding of C++
- Effective C++ 49: Familiarize yourself with the standard library
- Effective C++ 48: Pay attention to compiler warnings
- 太监小说……
- Effective C++ 47: Ensure that non-local static objects are initialized before they are used
- Effective C++ 46: Prefer compile-time and link-time errors to runtime errors
- Effective C++ 45: Know what C++ silently writes and calls
- Effective C++ 44: Say what you mean; understand what you're saying
- Effective C++ 43: Use multiple inheritance judiciously
- Effective C++ 42: Use private inheritance judiciously
- Effective C++ 41: Differentiate between templates and inheritance
- Effective C++ 40: Model "has-a" or "is-implemented-in-terms-of" through layering
- Effective C++ 39: Avoid casts down the inheritence hierarchy
- Effective C++ 38: Never redefine an inherited default parameter value
- Effective C++ 37: Never redefine an inherited nonvirtual function
- Effective C++ 36: Differentiate between inheritance of interface and inheritance of implementation
- Effective C++35: Make sure public inheritance models "isa"
- 如何设置cout的输出格式
- Effective C++ 33: Use inlining judiciously
- 用眼过度,痛ing...
- 实验室新进的变态机器
- Effective C++ 32: Postpone variable definitions as long as possible
- Effective C++ 31: Never return a reference to a local object or a dereferenced pointer...
- VC++: internal heap limit reached...
- Effective C++ 30. Avoid member functions that return non-const references or pointers less accessibl