



6 Steps of Learning Process


The learning process includes the following steps:
5.Repeat steps 2-4 until…

The brain learns by changing the synapses between neurons in the brain to create different neural pathways. This is essentially how the brain encodes information. The brain is constantly managing these pathways, adapting the brain to the world we are in. (Here’s a TEDtalk that goes into more detail about brain plasticity.)

When we first encounter a new skill, we don’t yet have the neural pathways in our brains to perform the skill. That is why our first time learning a new skill can often be an awkward and embarrassing experience. But this is a necessary step because that’s when our brains are creating the pathways that allow us to get better.

As we continue to practice the new skill, our brains automatically strengthen these new neural pathways. We start to perform the skill faster and more accurately and our progress accelerates. This is the principle behind the simple idea that the more you do something, the better you get at it. In fact, if you perform a certain skill enough, it can even physically change your brain. Evidence for this was discovered by a team at the University of Heidelberg in Germany, which found that the brains of professional musicians contained larger auditory complexes than the brains of non-musicians.

Most people who fail at learning because they do not leverage the power of repetition. A clear explanation or demonstration is important, but it will not create the neural pathways necessary for performing the skill. Without repetition, all you have are weak neural pathways that will likely disappear over time.

Understand how the brain works and to leverage the power of repetition. Practice until achieved mastery.