



Call me by your name

从香港飞旧金山的飞机上看了一部法语片《call me by your name》,电影前半段的叙事手法非常感性,也非常隐晦,刚开始看会以为是一部青春期的躁动剧,但结尾的点睛之笔完全出乎意料,一位17岁男孩的一段特殊的感情经历,毫无缘由的喜欢上一位同性,但男孩的父母非常尊重和保护孩子的纯真感情,导演对人性和感情的理解是如此的真情实感。


Nature has cunning ways of finding out weakest spot.

Right now you may not wanna feeling anything, maybe you never wanted to feel anything. But feel something you obviously did. We rip put so much of ourselves to be cured of thing faster, but we go bankrupt by the age of 30. And have less to offer, each time we start with someone new.

Our hearts and our bodies are given to us only once, and before you know it, your heart’s worn out. And as for your body, there comes a point when no one looks at it, much less wants to come near it. right now, there is sorrow, pain. Don’t kill it, and with it, the joy you felt.