



MySQL 5.0 发布

◆ IT Data Type: Can be used to store numbers in binary notation.

◆ Cursors: Elementary support for server-side cursors.

◆ Information Schema: The introduction of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database in MySQL 5.0 provided a standards-compliant means for accessing the MySQL Server's metadata, that is, data about the databases (schemas) on the server and the objects which they contain.

◆ Instance Manager: Can be used to start and stop the MySQL Server, even from a remote host.

◆ Precision Math: MySQL 5.0 introduced stricter criteria for acceptance or rejection of data, and implemented a new library for fixed-point arithmetic. These contributed to a much higher degree of accuracy for mathematical operations and greater control over invalid values.

◆ Storage Engines: Storage engines added in MySQL 5.0 include ARCHIVE and FEDERATED.

◆ Stored Routines: Support for named stored procedures and stored functions was implemented in MySQL 5.0.

◆ Strict Mode and Standard Error Handling: MySQL 5.0 added a strict mode where by it follows standard SQL in a number of ways in which it did not previously. Support for standard SQLSTATE error messages was also implemented.

◆ Triggers: MySQL 5.0 added limited support for triggers.

◆ VARCHAR Data Type: The maximum effective length of a VARCHAR column was increased to 65,532 bytes, and stripping of trailing whitespace was eliminated.

◆ Views: MySQL 5.0 added support for named, updateable views.

◆ XA Transactions

◆ Performance enhancements: A number of improvements were made in MySQL 5.0 to improve the speed of certain types of queries and in the handling of certain types. These include:

Performance Improvements in the InnoDB Storage Engine:
o New compact storage format which can save up to 20% of the disk space required in previous MySQL/InnoDB versions.
o Faster recovery from a failed or aborted ALTER TABLE.
o Faster implementation of TRUNCATE.

Performance Improvements in the NDBCluster Storage Engine:
o Faster handling of queries that use IN and BETWEEN.
o Condition pushdown: In cases involving the comparison of an unindexed column with a constant, this condition is “pushed down” to the cluster where it is evaluated in all partitions simultaneously, eliminating the need to send non-matching records over the network. This can make such queries 10 to 100 times faster than in MySQL 4.1 Cluster.



